Redundancy Coaching

This is your chance to let them down with love. Give your people the Perfect Pivot Position. How can you support them manoeuvring from the redundant role, to perhaps, a brand-new industry? Make sure your pending redundancy packages are inclusive of a redundancy coach. Invest just one last time. I assure you; your people will not forget it.

The world feels like a pressure cooker with a steaming popping lid these days and, sadly, redundancy is very much the same. Bubbling over in this ever-growing pandemic. A quick statistic search tells us that 600,000 people lost their job in 2 months in Australia! 600,000 people is an extraordinary and devastating number of individual lives affected.

As a recruiter and having worked for many years in health care management, between mentoring and consulting and now, coaching clients, both individual and group, through a variety of ‘Unique To Practice’ on-boarding techniques, there is nothing quite like the feeling of gaining the trust of the greater team. Creating and delivering an on-boarding pathway, that delivers a positive and cohesive approach to the longevity of those involved.

The on-boarding process, done well, is exciting and fun and it speaks volumes about the company willing to invest. The more prepared we are for on-boarding the more successful the placement. That’s not to mention the positive communication in the greater community and the eagerness of those that hear of such well-equipped organizations, to join their team. On-boarding well is an infectious flow of great management.

We hear often, those companies that everyone wants to be a part of. The prestigious workplace where the mere mention of the employee’s involvement on the resume will have a significant impact on their future employment. How they treat their people from the get-go. Friends are envious of the opportunity of many to be a part of such organizations. Until one day, suddenly, nothing is as it was.

  • Revenue is stagnant

  • Competitors regain momentum

  • The company has not positioned itself well enough in the market for sustainable growth


Senior Management discusses redundancies potentially on a multi-level. Employees at these sought-after workplaces suddenly feel a lot less secure. There’s a sense of fear and doubt and perhaps even denial, after all, “we are like family”. Right?

On-boarding our so-called ‘New Employee Family Members’ into our flourishing business is one thing when the economy permits.

Off-boarding, however, one of the toughest decisions a business should ever have to make. It is one of the most devastating moments for the employee. Yet, we let these people leave us like strangers. Suddenly, we are treating ‘family members’ like an inconvenience and pushing them out the door, burying our heads in the sand and hoping they leave the keys and disappear without noise.

When we treat our people with honesty and respect, as we expect them to treat our business, off-boarding will always remain as much an important aspect of business development as on-boarding.

Off-boarding done well, will not alleviate the entire angst for the employee, but it will give them a chance to look back and be thankful for how much you cared about their career progression, post redundancy. That your investment at the end held true to your ‘family’ values. That you respected them enough, to support their next career phase.

Trust is built, even more so in hard times. Investing in your off-boarding program, is your final act of kindness and dedication, to your team.

  • Keep communication strong

  • Support their questions and confusion

  • Offer a guided process for success post redundancy

  • Be kind and stay just as caring as you were on day 1 of onboarding

  • Treat your employees as you would want your own family members to be treated

  • Above all else, invest in your people, one last time. Make sure the redundancy package is inclusive of a redundancy coach

In the interest of those who dedicated their time to your business, be the Redundancy Evolutionary that they now need you to be. They and your business will thank you when you re-emerge mid and post-pandemic.

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